從底層強效修復 + 調整,重建健康肌膚!結合等離子及雙頻超聲波能量,效果Double Up。
第一步 ▶ 通過TDDS等離子傳送技術,打開連接細胞的黏附分子,率先提升肌底吸收力高達250倍。
第二部  雙頻超聲波以每秒300萬次震動頻率,深入皮下層3mm,促進細胞活動,調節肌底平衡。
第三步  因應膚況搭配醫學級別精華「補水/修復/抗敏/緊緻為您定制個人化療程效果。


Treatment trial
Having a professional team including doctors and medical therapists, inSkin analyse clients' skin condition and will recommend the most suitable treatment, we offer skin analysis and self-choose treatment for once.
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*Offer is only applicable to non-inskin female member