New Doublo™智能緊膚拉提療程

針對解決肌膚衰老及下垂問題,媲美傳統開刀拉皮技術。結合全球首創新技術《SD聚點拉提技術》 +《FL線性超聲聚焦技術》超多明星推薦,成為醫美界新寵!結合Ultherapy + Thermage 功效於一身,唯一榮獲3項美國FDA認證及多重臨床實證,功效及安全性絕對有保證。




✦ MFU定點式及4RF圈散式混合手法

✦ 收緊鬆弛下垂部分

✦ 有助溶解脂肪

✦ 刺激血液及淋巴循環

✦ 排走積存毒素


✦ HIFU能量線

✦ 能量穿透至脂肪層

✦ 集中破壞皮下脂肪

✦ 升級治療頭更緊貼身體弧度

✦ 塑造完美線條

Treatment trial
Having a professional team including doctors and medical therapists, inSkin analyse clients' skin condition and will recommend the most suitable treatment, we offer skin analysis and self-choose treatment for once.
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*Offer is only applicable to non-inskin female member